The GAFCON journey began in 2008 when moral compromise, doctrinal error and the collapse of biblical witness in parts of the Anglican communion had reached such a level that the leaders of the majority of the world’s Anglicans felt it was necessary to take a united stand for truth. A crowd of more than one thousand witnesses, including Primates, Archbishops, Bishops, clergy and lay leaders gathered in Jerusalem for the first Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON)
GAFCON Australia is the local Australian expression of GAFCON. Its principal objectives are:
To promote orthodox Anglican faith and practice as set forth in the Jerusalem Declaration and in the Fundamental Declarations and Ruling Principles of the Constitution of the Anglican Church of Australia;
To help reform, heal and revitalize the Anglican Communion and expand its mission to the world.
To provide fellowship to orthodox Anglicans who find themselves in a minority position in their own Dioceses due to the actions of others who depart from orthodox faith and practice.
Northern Hope Anglican Church assents to the GAFCON Jerusalem Declaration (2008) and supports GAFCON Australia in its objectives and aims.